After installing the Snyk plugin for Jetbrains IDEs like IntelliJ, you may get the following error when scanning your Maven project:
'mvn' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
Please make sure that Apache Maven Dependency Plugin version 2.2 or above is installed, and that `mvn dependency:tree -DoutputType=dot --file="pom.xml"` executes successfully on this project.
If the problem persists, collect the output of `mvn dependency:tree -DoutputType=dot --file="pom.xml"` and contact
Our IntelliJ plugin uses CLI under the hood for OSS scans: so CLI needs whether Maven in PATH or Maven wrapper files.
Additionally, it's highly recommended to use wrapper files (similar to Gradle wrapper) in the project, so any CI/CD system or integration can install Maven as needed + the Maven version is under control of developers.
Our plugin does not use Maven extension plugin from IntelliJ for any functionality.