You may receive this error if you're attempting to browse to an organization or project that you do not have access to, or there may be a problem that you will need our support team to resolve.
Are you logged in with the right account?
Snyk has many ways to authenticate. You could have an account through Github, one through Google and one through your company's SSO - each account is different.
The Organization that you're attempting to access likely has access using one of your other accounts. Verify that you're logging in with the correct authentication method and try again.
Do you have access to this organization?
Check with your group admin to determine if you have been assigned access to the requested organization.
If you still believe that you should have access, you should log a support ticket, and make sure that you include:
- Error reference ID. This is key for us to be able to find what's happening
- Time that the error occurred
- How you logged in
- Steps to reproduce the issue, if possible.