This article has been moved to How to select the organization to use in the CLI on the user docs site.
Articles in this section
- Testing dependency configurations of a Gradle Project
- CLI returns the error:"/bin/sh: ./mvnw: Permission denied"
- How to resolve "An error occurred while running the underlying analysis needed to generate the SBOM."
- Snyk is trying to run files from AppData but that is not allowed under our corporate policy. How can that be changed?
- Maven cli test results in `ERROR: Cannot find any digraphs.`
- CLI test for Python Projects fails with 'Error: Required packages missing:<package>'
- Snyk CLI or IDE plugins do not work for Code Scans for user with Custom Roles
- Maven scans fail with `Blocked mirror for repositories error` in debug logs
- Are wildcards and version ranges supported with a path when ignoring vulns via the .snyk ignore policy file?
- 'snyk code test' returns: Failed to run 'code test'